Success and failure begin with the mind. The growing mentality creates the thought that "I am beyond everyday issues, I believe in my abilities, and I will make more progress as my skills grow."
A limited mindset does not value its capabilities. When he sees an efficient person, he thinks of only one thing: he is inherently talented and talented. These people do not value growth and improvement.
A steady mindset forces one to stay in a safe area and not engage in new experiences. He is afraid of failure and considers it a sign of his weakness. While a developed mindset sees every situation as an opportunity, they strive to perform best in every situation; But they do not evaluate and judge themselves by the result obtained. A person with a developed mindset sees himself as the product of his failures and successes, is by no means consequential, and is not frustrated or unmotivated by the issues ahead.
There are challenges that make life attractive, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Joshua Marin
The same is true in successful organizations. The developed mentality in the organization causes movement and endeavor and creates more creativity. In developed organizations, "effort" is a value. But in the organization with a fixed mentality, "fraud" takes its place, and the path to career advancement, fraud and cunning is defined.
Stable mentality is an example of people who, despite good thoughts and ideas, are still not willing to act and their words are very different from their actions. The way to growth and development is always open and the developed mentality can be a choice and cause individual and group growth in the organization.
The rabbit was absolutely sure that he had won the race and fell asleep during the race.
The turtle kept moving slowly and always thought he had a chance to win.
When the rabbit woke up, it started running fast, but it was too late and the turtle won.
The rabbit had a fixed mindset and believed that his innate ability always meant that whatever he did would win.
But the turtle had a growth idea. He believed that he had to work hard to win. The turtle is not afraid of defeat and has no promise of killing the rabbit. The turtle just tried.
Developed organizations have unique characteristics that distinguish them from others.
Emphasis on learning, not results: In an organization where a lot of attention is paid to the process of doing work, such as improving skills,, discipline and planning, the mindset of growth prevails. Paying attention to the process instead of consequentialism leads to better feedback check here too.
These types of organizations know that some decisions do not yield the results they seek, but they are not afraid to take risks and encourage employees to innovate and analyze issues.
Skills : An organization should encourage employees not to take "skills" for granted. It is this way of thinking that makes one person give up with the slightest problem and another person keep trying.
The difference between the two is the definition of failure:
One group believes, "I do not have the strength and ability to continue working."
But others say, "I have to do better. "I can do better."
Assessing people's intelligence in the workplace instead of managing and developing employees' skills, contrary to expectations, reduces performance and creativity and creates anxiety. The goal is for people to show that they are smart and lose confidence when the desired result is not achieved.
But if the goal is professionalism, then people will fall in love with problem solving. They do not consider themselves to be fixed and unchangeable beings, which is why they are always motivated to move.
Strengthen a sense of purpose: People with a growth mindset can have long-term goals. They see themselves as part of a larger goal and do not work only for material things. First ask yourself what is the purpose of what you are doing? Do you do it to make money or do you like your job and it is part of a bigger goal? Working purposefully increases the motivation to keep working.
What leads to fixed thinking?
The most important factor that limits the mind is the divisions that have been made over the years. Classifications are made only on the basis of IQ, which does not contribute to individual development and growth, nor does it contribute to self-confidence.
When the measurement and evaluation in the organization is based only on IQ, people's motivation decreases and fixed-minded thinking gradually takes root in them.
A stable mindset is not just about people who think they lack the necessary talent. Some people do not try to think that their innate talent is constant. They do not believe that there is always room for growth and development and think that talent will not do everything for them.
They also believe that talent alone leads to success and that effort is not necessary. For them, effort is a sign of weakness and incompetence.
Is the mindset of growth innate?
Learning is an integral part of growth and development. People who have realized the value of learning and made it a part of their daily routine perform better than others. It is this feature that enables them to contribute significantly to the growth of their organization. Is the desire to learn an attribute that every person is born with?
A two-decade study by Carol Duke of Stanford University shows that intelligence and creativity can be developed and are not fixed traits that a person is born with. The inability to break the status quo is related to fixed thinking, while the desire to learn, grow and progress stems from the mindset of growth.
How to cultivate a growth mindset?
The mind is always changeable. The brain is like plastic and can deform over time and create new neural pathways, neuroscientists call it neuroplasty. These neural pathways are developed by doing new work or thinking.
Although these neural pathways become a habit after doing something many times, it is always possible to change them. The first step is to feel the need to change. Then teach new skills to your brain over time.
Growth mentality is not only important for learning new skills but also the main of growth social visitors to your website mentality in the effect it has on the way of importance. Cultivating a Growth Mindset Growing a growth mindset can be the most important thing you can do in life to help you achieve personal and professional success.